September Conference Preparation 2016

Kyakalyech Assembly of God----church house

Kirewa sub-county, Nyakalyech village, Tororo district, eastern Uganda September conference groundwork meeting report.

           Am so privileged to present this report of our September conference ground work trip to you all. The village pastors/organizing team invited us to attend their planning meeting which was scheduled for Friday 19th. I called and asked Pastor Hillary Katandi to accompany me to this meeting. I sent him some money to hire a boda-boda [motor-bike] for our transportation.
           I started my journey on Friday in the morning from lusenke on a boda-boda to Kayunga [25 miles from home] then took a taxi [16 passenger van] to Jinja where I took another taxi to Bugiri where we met with pastor Katandi. He also started his journey on the hired boda-boda early in the morning. We rode to Lyolwa
Taxi stage then branched off taking the village highway.

Katandi and Bita-----dressed for the long dusty ride

We then rode together on a boda-boda [motor-bike] from Bugiri over 50miles on dirt roads to the ground work meeting venue. It was a real hectic dusty and long ride, but we arrived safely at midday and found that the pastors had already gathered for the meeting. Most of the pastors were leaders in the pastors’ fellowship within the Kirewa sub county. We had nine pastors each representing a zone with three churches. Some of these pastors were in our March and June conference and they had already given a good testimony to their fellow pastors and in their churches about BFU. Every one was eagerly waiting to meet and to hear from bishop Bita so we were welcomed with great joy.

September conference meeting in progress

           Our meeting then started and we had a great discussion with the team. I was given enough time to explain detailed information about NTFI/BFU. After my speech, everyone was touched and the chairman of the organizing committee, who is also the chairman of Kirewa pastors’ fellowship, In his own words he "appreciates God so much for bringing BFU to their district, it is the right time when the village churches are
in a desperate need for the true teachers/preachers of God’s word." Because the churches are doomed due to the prosperity preachers and all sorts of wolves who come in sheep’s clothing and steal even the little they have.  These poor village pastors have for many years faced a great challenge and served God with much difficulty due to lack of bibles which is their key working tool in their ministries. BFU through the village church leaders’ conferences, the lord is truly answering the prayers and the cry of his poor village churches. We just can’t wait to have this conference says all the pastors.
          So the team committed to mobilize their other pastors and all other church leaders for the conference. They are very sure that they will raise enough food for the conference. This groundwork meeting was held on Nyakalyech Assemblies of God church premises. Assemblies of God churches and their leaders have not been
associating with other churches in conferences like this. So it is a great blessing to unite as one body of Christ.          

          Our last conference venue was at the Assemblies of God church house in Mwelo. So this time again all the pastors agreed that we hold September conference at Nyakalyech Assemblies of God church house, beginning
Monday 19th September 2016. Our travel day will be Sunday 18th. I will travel for that mission with Pastor Joshua and pastor Katandi.

          Special thanks to all our donors who have always made our conferences a possibility/success by donating towards BFU. This time we have been able to stock 50 bibles, clothes and 30 reading glasses. These glasses are the remaining glasses from the donation of 300 pairs which we received from our beloved U.S.
donors last year.
          We then closed our meeting at 6pm and started the ride back home. By the time we reached Iyolwa taxi stage, 50miles from Kirewa, it was already too late and risky for pastor Katandi to connect to his home village. I had also begun to feel serious pain in my affected leg because of sitting on a boda-boda for that long ride because my raised orthopedic shoe is out of shape. So I took a taxi to Jinja [head waters of the Nile] and spent the night at Pastor Ali’s house then proceeded safely back to Lusenke, another fifty miles, the following morning. Pastor Katandi also spent the night at his brother’s house in Puyawo village near Iyolwa and proceeded safely back to Bukimbi.
           Special thanks and much blessings to all our board of directors and our entire dear donors. You are always the reason for our success by the grace of God. Bishop Bita James Oloo (Jimmy)

Bishop Bita far right

We'll see you again in September